3D Spatial Audio

3D Spatial Audio · 11. März 2022
Virtuelle akustische Welten – More than Meta
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the strategic boundaries of a communication culture that is primarily focused on physical presence. Low-threshold and functional, digital “remote collaboration tools” are urgently needed. We would like to present you with a practical solution of how such a VR room incl. the embedding of 3D audio (elements) can look like as a showroom.
3D Spatial Audio · 24. Juli 2021
Breminale Dezentrale 2021 - online edition
So many of us will have felt isolated recently - not just through the pandemic, but also because of the divisiveness used as a political weapon in and between many countries. We're going through a strange time where our science and technology are making huge strides, but humans are too often in conflict and suffering unnecessarily. We are one people, one species who need to work together to survive and thrive. It's time we used the technology to increase our interaction. It is time for a change.